Ok I admit it. the ONLY reason I set up this blog was to be eligible to go on the BE with you'all. Well not really. I was just 'a-scared' to write and be read.
After hangin with you revgals-now pals, I realize what a sacred space I've been invited into. Sacred and HILL-larious!
Here's what I know now, that I didn't before the BE.
1. When grace is offered through 2 perfect and lovely strangers, you will end up being one of their cousins' baby sitters.
2. Some of you actually snore more than me
3. Mid Westeners CAN learn to love oysters. H Rod is considering a part time job as a Mother shucker...
4. When the food is less than perfect, it matters not because good company trumps gourmet food, any day.
5. St Casserole's Birthday is really in May. Please send cat-themed cards or gift certs for Cats-R-Us.
6. I need new shoes. (Cheese-thanks for being so discreet )
7. Anything discussed under sail was lovingly, intently heard by all and surely with joy, by God
8. Your willingness to share and be open gave me more courage to do the same.
9. The stories of your lives and your struggles inspire to me live beyond "SERVE" ing the church
10. You are the wind beneath my wings...I'll tumble for you
Right back atcha Babe!! Love ya - Mean it!!
When I found myself saying "Hey thanks, I'll tumble for ya" when the sandwich gal at the local bakery threw in an extra pickle today at lunch,I knew I'd been around you just long enough! Ha!
It was swell. Let's do it again, eh?
Loved being with you!
Friendship over the miles is good but seeing you was GREAT!
You need to tell everybody that "love ya-mean it!" is YOUR
phrase. I'm just a copy cat!
I'll tumble for ya...
Loved meeting you. You are simply awesome!
I'm so glad we got to have that long visit at dinner one night. We'll meet again!!
Sorry, gbts, I heard it first from St C. Thought it was hers.
Hope now that you have spoken and been heard that writing and being read will follow more and more cuz we love your voice.
Glad you picked up that call at the airport!
Smile and a sigh - wonderfuL!
Enjoyed our time together. Your encouragement stays with me as I come back to people who stayed the same while I changed.
The aft deck was a magical place, wasn't it?
Hey, welcome aboard. I am just sorry I did not get to meet you in person. Now keep writing and get ready for the next BE
thanks for all of the tips. I loved #3. and will duly noted the cat-themed cards.
what a lovely time! wish I had been there!
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