Thursday, March 20, 2008

Almost at the end

Today is Maundy Thursday. I have just finished the Good Friday bulletin and still working on completing sermons, hospital calls, the monthly newsletter, a pile of email responses, bills, filing, laundry, family plans for Easter and sorting out plans to run away from home.

Usually these beloved 'High Holy Days' have been just that.

This year, I am quite frankly 'Lented' out. NJ overcast skies help the sombre mood, but not my own.

As long as I can remember Good Friday has nearly always darkened over at around 3 O'clock. I have always found an equally sombre spot in which to be dark on Good Friday. Tomorrow's report is for clear but windy skies. I think we'll need the winds of the Mitsral to usher out all the suffering I have seen since Feb 6th, and usher in a New Heaven and a New Earth. Thank God, I am not responsible for any of that--only for praying with the sick, preaching the word and serving communion. No matter how much suffering our world endures, no amount of chocolate bunnies can convince me that God is not with us in it.

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