Friday, September 26, 2008

Grace Abounds...

So after being mortified and as apologetic as i could (see story in last post) her pew buddies said " you couldn't know-it's not your fault-she was just embarrassed that she didn't have her phone on vibrate." Gracious, loving parishioners...

In my pastoral prayer that day I literally asked God's forgiveness for 'smart alec comments' and thanked God for protection, or something like that. The best news is that it was a small kitchen fire and there was no damage to the structure. This should be a good reminder for all of us NOT to be a smart alec and not to use our ovens for storage (especially of new pans wrapped in plastic...)

P.P.S. I called the family immediately after church to ask to come to their hotel and meet with them and pray with them. They said they'd be glad to see me and they'd call back.

P.P.P.S This couple is so classy they decided it was an opportunity to take ME out to dinner, wine and all.

P.P.P.P.S When I apologized emphatically again she said " That's hilarious! I didn't even hear you, but if I had I would have laughed. More wine?"



Unknown said...

I guess so!

zorra said...

Indeed it does.
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

yes it does - and you are precious for following up with them - and they sound precious and gracious also!! LYMI

DogBlogger said...

Oh, it certainly does! What a lovely resolution to this tale.